Simplifying Complexity

Being in the room to facilitate Ethical Stalking for Government Contractors® Bootcamp, is one of my favorite things. 

It’s true. This has been the case long before the pandemic, just ask my friend and teammate, Michele Bull, or any of our graduates who comment on my passion and energy. I am energized walking into the room, and energized more from everyone in the room.

This past week, I was honored to host the team from JLAN Solutions, a thriving company and dedicated team with a number of victories behind them, and many more ahead of them. They are a prime and subcontractor that recently won a seat on the prestigious GSA STARS III GWAC prior to attending their Bootcamp Complete. Then, for good measure, they scored a victory with an existing agency customer while they were participating in the Bootcamp. The energy was high and the discussions were vibrant on both days of the 2-Day Immersion, the initial workshop portion of Bootcamp Complete. 

I had a fantastic time sharing the course content with them, and watching their context and abilities evolve right before my eyes. The activities of those two days, and the comments made by Team JLAN, reminded me of how a colleague recently described how we approach the Bootcamp Program. He said Michele and I take complex topics and simplify them. We “Simplify Complexity.”

I graciously accept that as a compliment. 

Business Development is not that hard. The same goes for Federal Contracting. What makes them seem difficult is information. To be specific, not knowing where to find the information to answer questions, and not having the ability to validate the accuracy, relevance, and timeliness of the information. Individually, each can limit progress and success, but together, they can absolutely stymie any and all efforts to effectively find and win business.

This is about understanding the tactics, terminology, tools and resources to be used, but only if you want to make the most of your money and time.

Business Development is a process and processes consist of steps. Bootcamp Complete makes that process, and the other supplemental processes, practicable. We achieve this by helping Bootcamp participants recognize processes and more, such as the:
  • Business Development Life Cycle
  • art and science of Business, Competitive and Market Intelligence
  • relevant sources of data and information
  • specific intelligence-gathering techniques to implement
  • terminology associated with Federal Acquisition and Contracting 

We do all of this to normalize the activities and the information associated with Federal Contracting, and we do it by simplifying complexity. 

As of last week, we have decided to formally go back in the room for our education and training programs. It begins with the very next Bootcamp Complete on April 7-8 at the Tower Club of Tysons Corner. I’m energized at the prospect of being in the room with you and your team, and simplifying complexity with you.

Peace, Health and Success,


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