Q&A to Grow By: Getting Started

One thing I love about The ASBC Community is the fact our members keep us on our toes. How so? In early April, I published my blog article ‘Intent minimizes chaos‘ that looks at planning and being deliberate in growing your federal sector business. There were several really good comments made, but one of them, made by my friend Chuck Dickens of IT Availability, suggested I write another article that answers the questions: 
  •  How do I, as a small business owner, know when I need expertise? 
  •  How do I know what expertise is needed? 
  •  Am I able to afford the expertise as a small business? 
These are great questions, to say the least. So instead of writing one article based on my experience, I decided to reach out to my smart and awesome friends and colleagues, and let them respond in their voices. Many of these friends and colleagues represent the companies and individuals possessing the expertise needed to support management, marketing, operations and finance activities, and more. The others you hear from, represent business leaders who made these decisions as a small business owner, and are sharing their insights. The goal of this series, Q&A to Grow By, is robust and thoughtful responses business owners and executives can refer to, when it’s their time to make these decisions.

By the way, the time to develop relationships with those possessing the expertise you will need tomorrow is today. One way to do this is to talk to business leaders who are where you are, and have been where you are. Additionally, get referrals from those you know, like, and trust to connect you with the experts they know, like, and trust. I’ll do that by introducing you to several from my network, who are genuine and thoughtful owners, professionals, and executives.

In this series, you will hear from experts who support new, established, small and large companies in all areas of business operations. I and all of the experts contributing to Q&A to Grow By, hope you get tremendous value that contributes to your growth in Federal Contracting. Enjoy! 
Peace, Health, and Success, 
Go-To-Guy Timberlake

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