Not my target

Trust me, this is not my usual approach to discussing the small business goals established by federal agencies. In fact, I’ll use this opportunity to share something related, but more important. Why? Because those goals don’t mean much to me.

To be honest, I don’t know if they ever have. While I have always worked for or led a small business in federal contracting, only a few of them had a game plan based on being Small Business. Even some of those in the 8(a) program were actively looking at, and pursuing opportunities well beyond the scope of government assistance programs. In short, a majority of those I worked for and definitely the one’s I led, had built plans based on being a business versus a small business.

The targets established by the Government are not my targets, and I would like more business leaders to have a similar mindset when it comes to federal agency requirements. Unfortunately, these small business programs, while impactful, are more often than not a limiting belief for too many small businesses. I see it in their pipelines, and in their prospect lists. It’s not so much the names of the people and organizations, but their functions. For the most part, the targets are not customers. I’ve blogged about this previously, too.

So, let’s flip the script. Instead of building approaches influenced by limiting beliefs, let’s start with the whole pie, and work from there. Instead of approaching agencies because they have a small business goal to meet, let’s reach out to discuss helping them meet a mission goal. Instead of reaching out to prime contractors because they have a subcontracting goal to meet, let’s have them bring us onboard because we can help them with delivering an excellent product or service, or reducing costs, or because we have strong relationships.

Or, let’s proceed to victory as the prime, more often, and then do right by those we bring aboard as subcontractors.

More than anything else, I want to see the kinds of small businesses I have worked for, worked with previously, and work with today, to assert themselves and take their rightful places as the organizations federal agencies can rely on well beyond the stated small business goals.

If you are a small business leader and this is making you uncomfortable, that’s the point. The very things we strive for most, and deserve, can be found on the other side of that discomfort.

During my workouts and the indoor triathlon events, one phrase resonates with me.

You didn’t come this far to only come this far.

Peace, Health, and Pushing Through Discomfort,

Go-To-Guy Timberlake

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