Getting Sh!t Done in GovCon

AUTHOR’S NOTE: Federal Contractors are all too familiar with situations beyond their control consuming precious resources, especially their time. To begin reclaiming that time, start by doing better at things within your control. Be intentional, focused, and informed.

If time is so precious, why are we so wasteful with it?

We see examples everyday of lives cut short for one reason or another, and family, friends, and colleagues left wondering what else their friend or loved one would have accomplished if they had more time. Then most of us return to our same wasteful ways. These are the kinds of thoughts that pop-up when you take stock of the impacts you have had, past and present, and will have in the future, if you’re so lucky.

This is really about recognizing how much time we waste and deciding what we can and should do about it. For me, I can control me and my actions, so I am starting there. How can I make better use of my time for me and my family? That’s something I think about every day. What about those who look to me and us (The ASBC) for insight? I can control how I help them, so I will put a check mark there, too. As I look back over the years of articles, trainings, and discussions I’ve led and been a part of, I realize it’s always been about time, not for me but for you. Recently, several students, clients, and readers of my blog, have noted a change in my tone. They say I have become more direct in exuding a sense of deliberateness and urgency. Has my tone changed? Yup! Just as my awareness and understanding has evolved, my message has evolved from gentle recommendations to “Definitely do this, but not that, if you want to get sh!t done in GovCon!”

Why the change? Because time is precious. None of us is meant to toil at work stuff all of the time. We have lives to live. Families to raise. Friends to see. Lessons to learn, outside of work. My contribution starts with guidance. I’m going to talk about things you should do, so you can be “Getting sh!t done in GovCon” that produces results. The kind of results that give you the freedom to live your life your way. You’ve already heard me speak to this, and you’ve even celebrated my speaking this way. Thank you! You’re hearing and reading my change in tone if you’ve read any of my blogs with titles like:

There’s much more on the way, and it’s all for good reasons. My goal is giving you tools and knowledge to take back time by helping you achieve results that matter, like winning contracts and subcontracts. Are you ready to start “Getting Sh!t Done in GovCon?” Already seeing results? Are you ready to get sh!t done better?

Achieving your work goals can contribute to achieving your life goals.

Peace, Health, and Thriving,

Go-To-Guy Timberlake


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