Getting in the Room

In my role as co-founder of The ASBC, I have met, and continue to meet some of the most amazing and inspiring people. Some of them are experienced business owners and entrepreneurs, and others are striking out on their own for the first time. One thing they most often have in common is a vision, and a desire to succeed. Their energy feeds mine.

Among the challenges they face in earning opportunities to deliver their goods or services, is the challenge of not getting into the right room, sometimes literally, most times figuratively. In many instances, their impressive experience, knowledge, and skills, were not intended for the role they are now in. To sharpen their ability to succeed, it must be honed, and Bootcamp is the forge we use to make that hapoen. Think of it in the spirit of steel sharpens steel.

It starts with one simple belief I have. I belive in everyone who walks through our door. I believe if we educate them on tactics, terminology, tools, and resources critical to discoveing organizations with needs that woud benefit from what they do, and how they do it, they will be able to locate the rooms they should be in. If we teach them how to employ these tactics, terms, tools, and resources into their processes, they will discover paths to the rooms. And if we help them understand how to exploit the outputs of the tactics, terms, tools, and resources, they will know what to do once they are in the rooms.

Our role in Ethical Stalking for Government Contractors Bootcamp, is to expertly increase your knowledge, skills and confidence to find and win federal contracts and subcontracts. We make no bones about it. We love what we do, and we are good at what we do. Join us in our room, first, to get yourself into the rooms you want to be in.

Peace, Health, and Thriving,

Go-To-Guy Timberlake

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