Baking the Grade
Uncle Sam claims another "A" using math that allows it to invent phantom small business dollars - ensuring the success of its agencies at the expense of America's Small Businesses.Once again, federal ...
Uncle Sam claims another "A" using math that allows it to invent phantom small business dollars - ensuring the success of its agencies at the expense of America's Small Businesses.Once again, federal ...
I have a lot of fun being Guy. This is not a recent development though, it started when I was in my thirties, and continues today. Part of the fun includes my nicknames, past and present.Depending on ...
For best results, the process of managing and using a sales or opportunity pipeline should be intuitive and harmonious. This means it should be constructed to optimize time spent working on opportunities,...
Let's see how many federal contracting football fans are out there! If you are a fan you may recognize 'the option' as it relates to that sport, but I want to clue you in on the version used in the world...
Are you one of the many in Federal Contracting looking for something to fill your bucket? This is about business opportunities, so by bucket I am referring to multiple-award contracts (MACs) of the...
To set the record straight (and stay out of trouble with my spouse 😉), I am happily married for over twenty years and this article has nothing to do with dating. Single and Available! refers to the...
Here's the kind of knowledge I like to share when I'm leading education and training sessions.What are the best (by dollars) Award and IDV Types for Small Business in Federal Contracting? Here's a ranking...
For companies pursuing opportunities in Federal Contracting, there are many unhealthy obsessions contributing to lost opportunities, wasted time, and too many precious dollars spent chasing ghosts. I ...
This is story of how Wingman came to be the name of the program we've created to help business leaders work on their business in federal contracting. I think it's pretty straightforward. My original...
One part of my mission in leading The ASBC, is to help everyone in Federal Contracting to communicate better. Specifically, I want to help everyone have clear and consistent context as it relates to...