
Elder Research

We handcraft innovative analytics solutions that inform decisions, deliver value and transform organizations. At Elder Research, we believe trust is invaluable to success. Our clients need to trust that we will solve their challenges with rigor, integrity, and ingenuity. End-users need to trust that our analytic models and solutions are accurate, unbiased, and reliable. In order to provide our clients with actionable results they can trust, our teams are continuously growing in their craft – rigorous science, statistics, machine learning, engineering, and consulting.

Elder Research

IT Availability

IT Availability is a mission focused information technology firm, led by former senior technology executives from the US Intelligence Community. Our technical professionals have a superior record of achievement in implementing new technology, mitigating cyber risk, and ensuring data integrity across all levels of the process. We have experts in every aspect of the global IT environment from satellite and terrestrial communications, network operations and monitoring, cyber security, software development, data center services and utility infrastructure. What sets us apart is our deep understanding of our IC customers’ mission needs and our unique ability to deliver real solutions to achieve meaningful outcomes. IT Availability enjoys a strategic relationship with ADACEN to collaborate and serve the intelligence community’s mission focus as a value-added solution provider.

IT Availability

Trusted by the most innovative teams

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