“See what sticks” as a strategy.

The costs and risks associated with owning and operating a business are much greater today than they were thirty years ago. To achieve real and sustainable success, today’s business leaders must be better equipped and better informed for making decisions. Assuming the multiplier used to reflect the increased cost and risk from then to today is 5x, then an additional 5x applies when comparing federal contracting to other markets. After all, this is the marketplace that matters to us, right?

“See what sticks” as a business growth strategy means taking a less informed or completely uninformed approach to pursuing customers and opportunities. It is the antithesis of being a better equipped and better informed business leader and organization. Sadly, this approach runs rampant in federal contracting, and not just within the small business community.

Over the years, I have observed a host of characters using the “see what sticks” approach to business growth in federal contracting. Here are three I encounter frequently:


For some, the challenge stems from an unfamiliarity with federal programs, the acquisition lifecycle, and procurement methods. Their lack of context for terms and processes unique to the federal sector is a hindrance to their decision-making. I believe many of these folks are true entrepreneurs who exist to solve problems they became aware of while supporting agency mission goals as Government, or Industry. The “guidance” these folks receive from colleagues and from federal agencies is what drives these good folks to respond to agency market research and solicitations, with less than adequate insight to discern worthwhile from a waste of time.


The lottery approach is utilized by those I refer to as having a “non-mission mindset” because they frequently don’t know, and often don’t care about anything beyond the transaction. They will put as much [proposal] paper in play as possible in the hopes of securing enough wins to make it worthwhile. Having seen and lived through this approach more than a few times, the harm to morale, reputation, and profitability, just isn’t worth it.


Also known as “The Proud Parent,” these are the great minds who develop processes, products, and solutions that if given the opportunity, are game-changers. However, the focus that drove them to a great creation can also drive a myopic view limiting them from seeing the relevance of their creation to other applications, missions, and organizations that are not top of mind during the creation phase. As agency missions change and the relevance of their creation wanes, desperation emerges and “see what sticks” rears its ugly head.


Seewhatsticksitis is a very curable inflammatory condition that impacts too many companies and their people in federal contacting. Leveraging good information is the best place to start the healing process.  The purposeful gathering and analysis of relevant information and data will inform on risk versus reward, and support productive decision-making as you pursue growth in the federal sector.

Recognizing and implementing proven processes, resources, and tactics into your organization’s daily operations, is essential.

This is the style and energy of support taking place within The ASBC community. It’s how we and our members lead the way in helping establish good habits, eliminate limiting beliefs, and achieve results in federal contracting.

Peace, Health, and Thriving in FY 2024,

Go-To-Guy Timberlake

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