Best Awards and IDVs for Small Business

Here’s the kind of knowledge I like to share when I’m leading education and training sessions.

What are the best (by dollars) Award and IDV Types for Small Business in Federal Contracting? Here’s a ranking based on obligations to Small Business during FY2022 with Total Obligations followed by Single-Award Obligations, if applicable:

  1. Indefinite Delivery Contract (IDC) – $72B ($32B Single-Award)
  2. Definitive Contract (DCA) – $41B (All Single-Award)
  3. Federal Supply Schedule (FSS/MAS) – $14.4B
  4. Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) – $11.2B
  5. Purchase Order (PO) – $10.4B (All Single-Award)
  6. Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) – $8.7B ($6B Single-Award)
  7. Basic Ordering Agreement (BOA) – $1.7B ($927M Single-Award)

NOTE: 58% of Small Business obligations are Single-Award and 33% of the obligations are to standalone contracts (Definitive Contract and Purchase Order).

This is a Governmentwide view. Run this same exercise for the Department, Agency or Contracting Office you support or are prospecting to get a ground-level view. #knowledge #federalcontracting #fpds #marketresearch #businessdevelopment #contracts #MAC #education #training #howtheybuy Ethical Stalking for Government Contractors® Bootcamp The American Small Business Coalition (The ASBC™)

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