5 Reasons to Present at the 2025 Insight Summit

Being a part of the federal contracting community since I was in my early twenties, has been the ride of a lifetime. The experiences, knowledge, relationships, and impacts I have seen and been a part of, are nothing short of incredible. Leading The ASBC for the last twenty years has brought me to a place where I see and understand more about the business and the people, than I could ever have imagined. This insight is part of what led me to seek out the help of friends and colleagues from Government and Industry to our first-ever Planning Committee for our annual event. You’ll read more about them in a bit.

Beginning at 1:00 PM on October 1, 2024, my team and I will host the 2025 Fiscal Year Insight Summit and Fiscal New Year’s Bash (Insight Summit for short). For those who attended the past two occurrences of the Bash, the very first thing you will note is the earlier start time, and the addition of the Summit. The Summit is the Fiscal Year Insight sessions taking place earlier in the day to create more presentation opportunities during the Summit. It also means richer and dedicated time for networking and festivities during the Bash that evening. Needless to say, we are excited about how this is shaping up, especially because our presenting sponsor from last year’s event, has already signed on as presenting sponsor for this year’s event. The sponsoring organization, Infotrend, is led by my friend, Gurpreet Singh. Additionally, other returning sponsors include Global Services (Photobooth), led by my friend and founding member, Courtney Fairchild, and IT Availability (Cocktails/Mocktails) led by my friend and Wingman Mastermind member, Chuck Dickens. All of the ingredients needed for Summit and Bash guests to develop valuable and useful knowledge, relationships and opportunities, are coming together nicely.

Now, let’s talk about you.

If you’re reading this, you likely fall into the interested party or stakeholder bucket, as it relates to the U.S. Public Sector. It also means you more than likely have knowledge that is valuable to you and to others. This deep understanding of people, situations, and things related to federal agency missions and requirements, are the very insights we would love for you to share during our upcoming Summit. Our 2025 Insight Summit Planning Committee led by Aimee Cubbage and Calvin Mitchell, has issued a Call for Speakers, and put together a portfolio of themes to be addressed by this year’s presenters. This year’s theme areas include:

  • Federal Contracting Growth: Scaling for Success

  • Boosting Small Business: Achieving Big Results for Small Federal Contractors

  • Talent Trek: Building a Sustainable Workforce

  • Contract Compass: Navigating Federal Agency Award Types

  • Position to Win: Effective Strategies for Achieving Results

  • Future of Federal Contracting: Trends and Innovations to Watch

  • Budgets, Performance Plans, and Programs: Getting Ahead of Opportunities and the Competition

Which of these resonates with you? Can you envision yourself leading an interactive conversation with our guests from Government and Industry? My goal is to entice you into clicking this link (you know you want to!) and having you join us on October 1st to share your insights. That said, here are the top reasons we think you should do it:

1. It’s the start of the Fiscal Year!

We’re literally going to have you help us load everyone up with the best information they can get to shore up their efforts to succeed in fiscal year 2025. This is about insights that benefits Industry AND Government. It takes two to tango, and both sets of stakeholders need to win in order for this to work.

2. You’ll be in good company. Really good company!

Every time we host an event like this, I find myself surrounded by some of the very best people I know, or am about to meet. What I love about the culture of The ASBC friends and members is that everyone invests in everyone else. We have been witness to some of the most amazing relationships, victories, and impacts throughout and far beyond government contracting. This is truly a room you want to be in!

3. There’s this Bash thing that follows the Summit!

We know how to have a good time. Come for the food, the cocktails, mocktails or networking, and leave with so much more. The Summit-Bash is the image you’ll see above the caption “Work hard. Play hard.”

4. Photobooth! Photobooth! Photobooth!

I mean, you just gotta! You’ll see what I mean when you click here to see last year’s pics!

5. Your words will lift others.

In no uncertain terms, amazing things will happen as a result of your contribution. It always does. Those little nuggets you disregard as common knowledge are truly worth their weight in gold. This is about insights, and when you share them, you put into motion an action that will be meaningful for one, if not many.

This year’s event will build on the success of previous years, and will create lasting memories, relationships, and opportunities. I look forward to hosting you as one of the many presenters sharing their insights at the Summit-Bash in October. Thanks!

Peace, Health, and Thriving,

Go-To-Guy Timberlake

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